Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
To kick things off for 2020, Mountain Circle is very excited to announce our partnership with Rockside Ranch!

Rockside Ranch is a CCAPP certified 8-month sober living environment in Etna, CA helping young men who are in need of stability and support. Rockside Ranch is a program that teaches job and life skills to helps young male adults transition to independence instead of living on the streets or going to jail.
“Too many young men are living in crisis- and it is destroying their lives. We help young men overcome crisis and live the life they were created to live. Crisis can be the middle of the story, it doesn’t have to be the end.” – Rockside Ranch

At Rockside Ranch the students participate in trade-focused projects that are designed to give them exposure to a variety of career opportunities, including carpentry, construction, and landscaping, to name a few. Their time in the classroom is workshop based instruction and at the end graduates receive two college certificates focused on workforce readiness, teamwork, and communication from the College of the Siskiyous.

While the weekdays are focused on critical skills and habit formation the weekends are all about adventure. The ranch is nestled between the Marble Mountains and the Trinity Alps making it an ideal location to explore the outdoors and create unforgettable experiences.
Here is a glimpse at what a typical day at Rockside Ranch looks like:
- 7AM Hop out into the fresh air and sunshine during morning chores
- 8AM Eat a hearty breakfast with your housemates
- 9AM Morning devotions
- 10AM Projects or class time, depending on the day
- 1PM Lunch together
- 2PM Projects or class time, depending on the day
- 4PM Evening chores and egg collecting
- 5PM Personal time
- 6PM Dinner together
- 7PM Evening session
“We won’t quit until you have overcome your crisis and are thriving. We will coach you through the program and into a job or college program at the end. When you want to quit, we will remind you that your life is worth it. And when you achieve success, we’ll cheer you on and build you up. This program is about you finding your purpose and growing closer to the God who created you — we are committed to helping you do that.” –Rockside Ranch

Mountain Circle Family Services (MCFS) is very excited to now be partnered with Rockside Ranch to help young men overcome crisis and thrive. All referrals through MCFS must qualify for the AB-12 program or THP+FC. However, Rockside Ranch also takes private pay clients.

Here are ways you can help change these young men’s lives:
- Share this information!
- Refer a young man who needs help! Contact Mountain Circle Family Services at 530-895-1110
- Visit Rockside Ranch and see firsthand how lives are being restored.
- Become a Restoration Partner https://rocksideranch.org/give
Help give them a pathway forward by spreading the word and referring a candidate. If a young man comes to mind, please contact Mountain Circle Family Services at 530-895-1110 or email craig@rocksideranch.org.