
  • Sierra Nevada Connections will provide the adoption home study
  • We will assist with filing all the adoption court paperwork and assist through finalization
  • Foster child will be placed for a minimum of 6 months before adoption is an option

What are the requirements to be a Fost-Adopt parent?

Sierra Nevada Connections provides adoption services in the State of California only.  

  • Must be 21+
  • Married or single, with or without children
  • Attend the Fost-Adopt trainings (some offered online)
  • Have an approved Fost-Adopt home study
  • Be fingerprinted and cleared on Child Abuse Index Clearance & Department of Justice
  • Fill out all required paperwork
  • Must be in good health

    What About Financial Assistance & Medical Coverage?

  •  While a Fost-Adopt parent, you will receive a monthly reimbursement for your child. After the child has been adopted, you will receive AAP (Adoption Assistance Program)- the amount of financial assistance is determined based upon the special needs of the child and circumstances of the family. Each child is insured by Medi-Cal which covers their medical, dental, and vision expenses. This continues until the child is 21 years of age, even after the child has been adopted. Medi-Cal pays for therapy for each child too.
  • Sierra Nevada Connections does not charge a fee to become an adoptive family. Fost-Adopt families are allowed up to $400 for expenses incurred while adopting a child. This is reimbursed through the State, not the Agency.

What Kinds of Fost-Adopt Parents is Sierra Nevada Connections Looking For?


  • Strong, stable families who care about children and have love, patience, guidance, and understanding to give to children or youth
  • Individuals, couples, or families who are dedicated to making a life-long commitment to a child in need of a home

Adoption License #045090027