What inspired you to get into the field of Foster care and adoptions?
I spent the majority of my childhood in foster care. I was in multiple foster homes and had many Social Workers. I had both good and bad experiences. I am proud to say that I did not let my past or the unfortunate hand I was dealt as a child hold me back. The one thing that I attribute to my success is that I was lucky enough to have someone take an interest in me. I had a Social Worker who saw me for what I could be, not what I was during that time. He encouraged and coached me to reach my potential. I would not be who I am today without this social worker. They inspired me to want to provide that for as many individuals as I can. My professional and personal life goal is to help at least one person overcome their adversity and become a success story.
What do you love most about working in foster care and adoption?
There is nothing I love more than to watch a child go from a broken state to a bright vibrant kid. As a Foster Family Social Worker it is my job to make sure that each child is in a home that is safe and nurture the healing process. It is heartbreaking to see an innocent child who has experienced so much trauma, but it is much more rewarding when you are able to save them from that, by providing them with a home that will care for them. What I love the most is a happy child.
What would you like families to know about foster care and adoption?
In my opinion becoming a foster parent is the most honorable thing a family can do. It can be one of the most difficult and draining things a family does. It may seem like an impossible task, almost like trying to put a broken vase together without glue. Sometimes you will feel like you are not making a difference. I can tell you for a fact that is not true. Those children that you open your home and heart up to are very grateful, even if they say otherwise. Every foster home I have been in has impacted my life. Foster parents are the real superheroes of this generation.
What do you think makes kids amazing?
There are far too many reasons that kids are amazing. Some of the top reasons for me as a social worker is that many kids have endured so much pain and trauma and they are survivors. Children are the most resilient people ever. It is so amazing that with the right people in their lives they can overcome some of the most horrible events. I love how children are not filtered and are willing to voice their thoughts and opinions. Lastly, one of my favorite things is that children have an innate drive to be happy. A happy child can bring joy to the grumpiest adult.